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Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Clan of the Cave Bear under Two Bucks

Jean M. Auel's Earth's Children series is finally available as an ebook and you can pick up the first in the series, The Clan of the Cave Bear: with Bonus Content, for $1.59 at Amazon $1.99 at B&N or Sony). The rest of the series is also available at $6.39 each and all of them are labeled "with Bonus Content". There's no clue yet what that is on the product pages, but I peeked inside and there's a glimpse at the upcoming ending to the series, The Land of the Painted Caves, which is still a bit steeply priced, at a $14.58 pre-order price and delivery next March, and an interview with the author. The remaining titles in the series are (books 2-5):
Book Description
This novel of awesome beauty and power is a moving saga about people, relationships, and the boundaries of love. Through Jean M. Auel's magnificent storytelling we are taken back to the dawn of modern humans, and with a girl named Ayla we are swept up in the harsh and beautiful Ice Age world they shared with the ones who called themselves the Clan of the Cave Bear.

A natural disaster leaves the young girl wandering alone in an unfamiliar and dangerous land until she is found by a woman of the Clan, people very different from her own kind. To them, blond, blue-eyed Ayla looks peculiar and ugly--she is one of the Others, those who have moved into their ancient homeland; but Iza cannot leave the girl to die and takes her with them. Iza and Creb, the old Mog-ur, grow to love her, and as Ayla learns the ways of the Clan and Iza's way of healing, most come to accept her. But the brutal and proud youth who is destined to become their next leader sees her differences as a threat to his authority. He develops a deep and abiding hatred for the strange girl of the Others who lives in their midst, and is determined to get his revenge.

From the Publisher
The stunning epic that stirred the imagination of millions. Here is a novel of awesome beauty and power. A moving saga about people, relationships and the boundaries of love. Through Jean Auel's magnificent storytelling, we are taken back to the dawn of mankind and swept up in the wonderful world of a very special heroine, Ayla. Her enthralling story is one we all can share. A natural disaster has left young Ayla alone, wandering, fending for herself in an unfamiliar land. One day, she is discovered by the Clan of the Cave bear, men and women far different from her own people. Tall, blond, blue-eyed Ayla is a mysterious stranger to the Clan and at first they mistrust her and cast her out. But as she grows to know them and to learn the ways of the Clan, she is welcomed. And as she leads them in their struggle for survival, the Clan come to worship Ayla. For in her blood flows the future of humanity.

Click HERE to buy The Clan of the Cave Bear from B&N or HERE for all of the titles.