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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Author Spotlight - Brendan Carroll

Brendan Carroll is an indie author who has managed to attract quite a following on some of the Kindle related boards, for his series The Red Cross of Gold. He has just released the nineteenth in the series, The Red Cross of Gold XIX: How Men Do It, and like the entire series (at least currently), it is priced at $2.99. I have to admit that I am a bit behind on the series, myself, but I'm making a note to bump them up my TBR list.

Book Description
The Chevalier Ramsay must return to the Abyss to conduct a bit of damage control in the Seventh Gate in spite of the danger of running into old acquaintances. His old enemies, routed from New Babylon, begin searching for him and the Mighty Djinni with a new plan for bringing chaos to the world of men. Omar must try to run his New World Order from behind the scenes with a new attitude and a new outlook on life. Back at the Isle of Ramsay, Montague is left trying to fend off unknown forces trying to steal some of the Red Cross of Gold’s powerful relics. Mark’s unruly son, Luke Andrew, joins his father’s Order in spite of the obstacles he might face and must prove himself worthy of an apprenticeship. Things do not improve when the new King of the Faeries decides that he needs to get to know the royal family a bit better.

If you haven't been following the series, you'll want to start at the beginning, with The Knight of Death.

Book Description
An apparent kidnapping and rape become the first steps in a mystical journey for the Chevalier du Morte when a routine mission precipitates a spiritual fall from grace. As the tables turn on the abductors, the immortal Knight sinks in a corrupt quagmire of sin while fighting to recover his lost purpose and identity. In the process, he almost destroys the Ancient Order of the Red Cross of Gold when his beloved Brothers turn against him and hunt him down, determined to take him home, in one piece or two.

The immortal Knights of the Council of Twelve comprise the ruling body of the clandestine Order of the Red Cross of Gold, Poor Knights of Solomon's Temple. Some of them have been around since the Crusades in the Holy Lands, secretly directing, aiding and abetting world events that they believe will eventually culminate in the ultimate confrontation of Good and Evil at Armageddon. As Knights of Christ, they live, fight and die safely as God's executioners in the service of the Master of the Universe.

As Assassin and Alchemist for the Order, Mark Ramsay's dark occupations keep him buried in an old mansion in the Scottish lowlands most of the time, but occasionally, when someone needs killing, he is called out to perform his duties as Assassin. He holds the mysterious, divine mystery of the Key of Death and not only has the responsibility of ridding the world of certain criminal elements and undesirable influences; he is the only means of release for his immortal Brothers whenever they are accidentally injured beyond recovery. Ramsay has the ultimate job security. His services are indispensable to the Order and even though his Brothers normally shun his presence and even fear him, they cannot afford to lose him at the risk of suffering forever, eternally locked in physical bodies from whence there is no escape should the unthinkable happen. Without the Knight of Death's services, the Order would not only lose its financial backing, it would fall into ruin and decay.

Sir Ramsay considers himself a simple man and wants nothing more than to live out his years in the relative seclusion offered by the beautifully rolling meadows in Lothian, Scotland. But things are not so simple for the Chevalier du Morte. He has deep-seated emotional and mental problems stemming from personal tragedies suffered during the Crusades. His life as a virtual hermit is about to change drastically when he briefly loses all memory of his life before a certain moment in time when he awakens in the midst of a brutal beating in a serene pecan grove in Central Texas. His past is erased completely and for a few glorious, but tumultuous days, he lives life as a normal man outside the influence of the Order of the Poor Knights of Solomon's Temple, finding love in the middle of a nightmare. His life will never be the same once he begins to reckon time as 'Before Meredith' and 'After Meredith'.

Here is the complete Red Cross of Gold series list, all on Kindle for $2.99 each:
I: The Knight of Death
II: The King of Terrors
III: The Head of the Crow (Assassin Chronicles)
IV: The Hesperian Dragon (Assassin Chronicles)
V: the Quinta Essentia (Assassin Chronicles)
VI: The Dragonslayer (Assassin Chronicles)
VII:. The Wisdom of Solomon (Assassin Chronicles)
VIII: The Silver Caduceus
IX: The Queen of the Abyss (Assassin Chronicles)
X: Genesis 6:5
XI:. Ars Arabia: The Assassin Chronicles
XII: The Son of the Moon
XIII: The Children of the Temple
XIV: The Skull of Sidon (Assassin Chronicles)
XV: My Hope is in God (Assassin Chronicles)
XVI: Omar, the Prophet (Assassin Chronicles)
XVII: Full Circle (Assassin Chronicles)
XVIII: The Company of Women (Assassin Chronicles)
XIX: How Men Do It (Assassin Chronicles)

Mr. Carroll also has one other volume out that is not part of this series, Tempo Rubato: Stolen Time ($3.99)

Book Description
Imagine the virtually unlimited resources of a private company rivaling Microsoft Corporation. Now add to that Albert Einstein's genius coupled with all the technology available in 1995. Now imagine the possibilities...

Maria Elisse Mannheim is a professor of Musicology at a university in Vienna, specializing in the study of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and his works, particularly his original manuscripts of which numerous forgeries abound. Derek Boswell is a New York City detective investigating the murder of a student under very unusual circumstances. The only clue he has to go on is a letter found in the victim's possession that could have been written by the murderer. Unfortunately, the letter is signed W.A. Mozart.

Boswell contacts Miss Mannheim in an attempt to track down any known forgers that might also be worthy of investigation for possible charges in the student's death. As an authority on Mozart, she feels compelled to leave her job and travel to the United States for a first hand look at this particular forger.

Elisse's investigation takes her to West Texas, where the victim formerly worked for a mysterious corporation before her death. The further Elisse digs into the company's business, the more apparent it becomes that not everything is quite as it seems and she suddenly finds her own life in peril.