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Monday, August 2, 2010

Kindle 3 Sold Out! Reserve Place in Line for Next Batch

 If you've been on the fence about ordering one of the new Kindle models, you may have waited too late; especially if you wanted it before school started this fall. Log into any of the product pages for the Kindle or Kindle Wi-Fi and this is what you'll see:
Temporarily Sold Out. 
Order now to reserve your place in line
Due to strong customer demand, Kindle is temporarily sold out. Order now to reserve your place in line. Orders are prioritized on a first come, first served basis. Orders placed today are expected to ship on or before September 4th.

Ok, yes, Sept 4th is only a week after the original launch dates of August 27, but it is telling that Amazon not only sold out of the Kindle 2 once it lowered the price (no doubt a bit before they really wanted to, as it was a month before the release of the new model), but has now sold out of the production run of all models of the Kindle 3 (yes, even the white ones, which were underselling the graphite ones by a huge margin, from what I've seen).