Buy one of 50 Humor titles for $1
To take advantage of this offer:
- First, turn on your Kindle with Special Offers, click Menu, then View Special Offers.
- Find the offer: Buy one of 50 Humor titles for $1. Click on it, then on the link to Email Me This Offer.
- You will get an email from Amazon with your promotional code, right away.
- Once you have the promotion code (and have selected your book; see below), click this link, then on the button labeled Enter Your Code, at any time up to the expiration date of May 8.
- Enter your code and follow the directions.
- Choose any of these books and you'll pay only $1.
To recap: you must claim the offer by April 8 and must do so from your Kindle with Special Offers. You'll get a promotion code via email and you have until May 8 to enter and redeem the code. Once you enter it, it will work on the next book on the list that you purchase.
This is a repeat offer, although last time there were 100 books to choose from. The choices appear to be quite different this time around, though, and everyone should be able to find one book they spend a buck upon!