Know What You Don't Know: How Great Leaders Prevent Problems Before They Happen, by Michael A. Roberto, is a repeat freebie in the Kindle store and from Barnes and Noble, courtesy of FT Press.
Book Description
In Know What You Don’t Know, best-selling author Michael Roberto shows leaders how to go beyond mere “problem solving” to uncover and address emerging problems while they’re still manageable—before they mushroom into disaster! Roberto first identifies the diverse, sometimes surprising reasons why problems typically fester in the shadows, ignored and unaddressed. Next, he systematically introduces seven powerful solutions. You’ll discover how to become a business “anthropologist,” observing how your employees, customers, and suppliers actually behave, not just how they’re “supposed” to behave. Roberto shows how and when to circumvent your gatekeepers to see crucial raw to “connect the dots” among issues that seem unrelated, but are really signs of a deeper to promote candor among front-line employees...encourage “useful” mistakes, and more. Along the way, Roberto offers powerful insights for overcoming the “isolation trap” so many senior executives face: the trap that can keep you assuming everything is fine, while your company’s problems are spiraling out of control!
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free book from Barnes & Noble. Be careful if doing a search by title on your nook, as there are two editions and the other is full price.