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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Free Book - Play to Your Team's Strengths (K/N/E)

Update: 1/23/12 Now free from Sony.

Play to Your Team's Strengths: The Manager's Guide to Boosting Innovation, Productivity, and Profitability, by JoAnn Warcholic Ashman, is free in the Kindle store and from Barnes & Noble.
Book Description
Why is it a struggle for managers to get their staff to meet or exceed their goals? The answer is simple: employees are working at jobs that are not based on their individual strengths. JoAnn Warcholic Ashman and Susan Shelly, seasoned management consultants, show managers how to tap into the true potential of their staff and create the workplace that keeps them challenged and working at peak efficiency by using the latest strength-based management principles and techniques.
Get the free ebook from Barnes & Noble.
Get the free ebook from Sony.