Ubiquitous Computing for Business: Find New Markets, Create Better Businesses and Reach Customers Around The World 24-7-365, by Bo Begole, is a repeat freebie in the Kindle store and from Barnes & Noble.
Book Description
Ubiquitous Computing (“UbiComp”) is the next game-changing technology. In Ubiquitous Business, PARC UbiComp pioneer Bo Begole shows you how to successfully incorporate it into your products, services, processes, and strategies. Begole introduces UbiComp’s component technologies, thoroughly illuminates its potential impact, and demonstrates how to achieve real competitive advantage with it.
From the Web to the iPod, cell phones to social networks, a few extraordinary technologies have changed the world, enabling massive new industries and destroying companies that couldn't adapt. It's about to happen again, thanks to new Ubiquitous Computing ("Ubicomp") technologies that will interweave computing more deeply into human life than ever before.
Bo Begole stands at the center of the Ubicomp revolution: He leads the team at the legendary Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) that invented the paradigm and are creating and commercializing its technologies. In Ubiquitous Computing for Business, Begole briefs you on everything you must know to drive breakout value from Ubicomp technologies.
Begole maps the emerging landscape of Ubicomp, explaining how it reinforces and redirects other societal trends. Next, he helps you identify exceptional opportunities to profit from Ubicomp in internal processes, supply chains, and external products and services. Along the way, he helps executives, strategists, technology managers, and entrepreneurs make better decisions about everything from "build vs. buy" to risk mitigation.
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