Buy one of 100 Biographies & Memoirs for $1
To take advantage of this offer:
- First, turn on your Kindle with Special Offers, click Menu, then View Special Offers.
- Find the offer: Buy one of 100 Biographies & Memoirs for $1. Click on it, then on the link to Email Me This Offer. If you repeat for each KSO on your account, you'll get a separate code for each one, but see my note below on limits on this offer.
- You will get an email from Amazon with your promotional code, right away.
- Once you have the promotion code (and have selected your book; see below), click this link, then on the button labeled Enter Your Code, at any time up to the expiration date of October 9.
- Enter your code and follow the directions.
- Choose any of these books and you'll pay only $1.
To recap: you must claim the offer by September 9 and must do so from your Kindle with Special Offers. You'll get a promotion code via email and you have until October 9 to enter and redeem the code. Once you enter it, it will work on the next book on the list that you purchase.
This offer says there is a limit of one per customer AND one per device -- I did get two codes, but don't know if the second one will work on the same account (I can always return the book, if it doesn't, I suppose).