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Monday, August 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Georgette Heyer!

Update: 8/16/11 Added link to sale prices at BooksonBoard.

Sourcebooks, the publisher of the late Georgette Heyer's books, is celebrated the week of her birth with a sale on all of her titles that are currently in ebook form - all 46 of them, plus Georgette Heyer's Regency World, a guide to the world of her books. Prices are now live at Amazon (I'll list them all below) and at Sourcebooks, but haven't quite all changed at B&N or Kobo. Also, you'll find multiple editions of The Black Moth, as it has passed into the public domain. If you want the Sourcebooks edition (and they do seem to do a good job on formatting for theirs), be sure to look at the publisher on that one before clicking. Prices should remain low thru Aug 21, but I would not push it; if you see some titles you want, grab them while the price is low.

Here's the complete list on Kindle:
    Regency Romance
  1. Arabella
  2. Bath Tangle
  3. Beauvallet
  4. Black Moth
  5. Black Sheep
  6. Charity Girl
  7. Convenient Marriage
  8. Corinthian
  9. Cotillion (previously free, multiple formats)
  10. Cousin Kate
  11. Devil's Cub
  12. False Colours
  13. Faro's Daughter
  14. Foundling
  15. Frederica
  16. Friday's Child
  17. Grand Sophy
  18. Lady of Quality
  19. Masqueraders
  20. Nonesuch
  21. Powder and Patch
  22. Quiet Gentleman
  23. Regency Buck
  24. Reluctant Widow
  25. Sylvester: or The Wicked Uncle (price has not dropped)
  26. Talisman Ring
  27. These Old Shades
  28. Venetia
  29. Mystery
  30. Behold, Here's Poison
  31. Blunt Instrument
  32. Death in the Stocks
  33. Detection Unlimited
  34. Duplicate Death
  35. Envious Casca
  36. Footsteps in the Dark (previously free at B&N only)
  37. No Wind of Blame
  38. Penhallow
  39. They Found Him Dead
  40. Unfinished Clue
  41. Why Shoot a Butler?
  42. Historical Fiction
  43. Conqueror
  44. Infamous Army
  45. My Lord John
  46. Royal Escape
  47. Simon the Coldheart
  48. Spanish Bride
  49. Non-Fiction
  50. Georgette Heyer's Regency World, by Jennifer Kloester
There are two books not included in the sale, Toll-Gate and Unknown Ajax, which are currently available only as Kindle pre-orders (or as paper editions). You could order both of them and still be just over $100 - not a bad deal, at all, for a complete collection from this author (or, at least a complete collection, as far as ebooks go).

The books are available in various (DRM'd) formats from the following vendors, as well:
Click HERE for the list from AllRomance. Not all the titles have dropped there; formats are DRM'd PDF and EPUB.
Click HERE for the booklist at B&N. This is the Sourcebooks listing for The Black Moth and Georgette Heyer's Regency World.
Click HERE for the list from BooksonBoard. Many of them are $1.88, but some are still full price, so shop carefully.
Click HERE for the booklist at Kobo. This is the Sourcebooks listing for Georgette Heyer's Regency World (Kobo apparently doesn't carry their edition of The Black Moth). At least one (Frederica) is an online or app only read, so be sure you see "Download options: Adobe DRM EPUB" before buying there, if you want to load it on a non-Kobo ereader. You might try coupon codes Kobodollaroff or FirstRead, if you haven't used those codes before.
Click HERE for the list direct from Sourcebooks, which has both PDF and EPUB formats for most books (with DRM, not Kindle compatible). You may also be able to take advantage of coupon code WELCOME2011 to get an additional 25% off your order (if you haven't used it before and you signed up for their newsletter).