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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

$2 Free Credit in Amazon MP3 Store & KSO Update

To get your $2 credit in the Amazon MP3 store, click HERE and follow the directions to enter the coupon code CLOUDMP3. Once you've applied it to your account, the next MP3 purchases you make will automatically come out of that credit first (so, you get two free 99 cent songs or $2 off an album, only pay 7 cents for 3 songs from the 69 cent sale, etc). I'm was seriously considering using my credit to get the Rave On Buddy Holly ($3.99 today only) tribute album, then I stumbled over a new $1.99 classical compilation: 99 Must-Have Mozart Masterpieces.

You only have until the 30th to both enter the code and use the credit, so don't let this one get away from you. While you are deciding which songs to buy, be sure to check out these new free samplers:
KSO Update
If you were wanting to get one of the Kindle Skins using the $15 off $20 offer, but were put off by the $20 requirement, be sure to check out the comments on my post. It looks like you can use it on the Skins that are $19.95 or $19.99, which means you pay just under $5 total!