Now free on Kobo:
- For the King's Favor
, by Elizabeth Chadwick (this one can change at any moment, as it was not supposed to be free, at all.
- World from Rough Stones
, by Malcolm Macdonald
- Darcy's Voyage: A Tale Of Uncharted Love On The Open Seas
, by Kara Louise
- Antiques Roadkill: A Trash 'n' Treasures Mystery
, by Barbara Allan
- Last Night's Kiss
, by Hailstock Shirley
- The Secret
, by Beverly Lewis
- Michal: A Novel
, by Jill Eileen Smith
- She Walks In Beauty
, by Siri Mitchell
- The Softwire: Virus On Orbis 1
, by Pj Haarsma
- Stuck In The Middle: A Novel
, by Virginia Smith
- Relentless
, by Robin Parrish