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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Free from Suze Orman - Will & Trust Kit

This one isn't a book or a download, but it is a nice package that you may find of use. Suze Orman is offering her Will & Trust Kit/Ultimate Protection Portfolio (a $13.50 value), for free with a gift code. This kit is used entirely online, so you can access it from anywhere. You fill out the entire thing online and it generates the documents you need for a Will, an Advanced Directive & Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, a Revocable Trust and a Financial Power of Attorney. Each section contains more than just the basic document. For example, in the Will section, you also get
  • Letter to Your Executor
  • Final Instructions Form
  • What to Do When Someone Dies Checklist
  • Funeral Cost Worksheet
The last two, of course, aren't of much use to you once your will is being read, but may be something you need several times before then.

To get the kit for free, click HERE. You will see a space for entering a “Gift Code”, enter the code: 898989. You'll get a confirmation code, which you only need to write down if you don't activate the kit right away (which I recommend you do; once activated, all you need is your login and password, which you create during activation). After activating the kit, you'll be offered some options on how much data is stored. Since Wills and Trusts and some of the other forms need personal information such as a social security number and birthdate, you have the option of not saving them (or even any of the information). You will need to enter something while using the site (use fakes, if you want, until you are ready to print the actual documents), but the site is a secured one and it seems reasonably safe.

This will only be available for FREE thru October 3, 2009. Also note that if you are married, each person will need to register for the Kit. Although it will create Trust documents for a married couple, all the other documents must be created individually.