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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Free Ebook on Kindle: Private

Let's hope this one lasts longer than Flood (which was announced to be free thru January 3rd, but was only free for a few hours).

Kate Brian's new book, Privilege, is due out December 30th. To get you hooked on the author, you can download Private for free until January 15th. This is a young adult/children's selection.

Fifteen-year-old Reed Brennan wins a scholarship to Easton Academy--the golden ticket away from her pill-popping mother and run-of-the-mill suburban life. But when she arrives on the beautiful, tradition-steeped campus of Easton, everyone is just a bit more sophisticated, a bit more gorgeous, and a lot wealthier than she ever thought possible. Reed realizes that even though she has been accepted to Easton, Easton has not accepted her. She feels like she's on the outside, looking in.

Until she meets the Billings Girls...