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Sunday, November 2, 2008

Free Ebook: Emissaries from the Dead

Emissaries from the Dead: An Andrea Cort Novel by Adam-Troy Castro, which looks like a murder mystery/scifi cross, is free for a limited time EOS books. From the main Harper Collins Ebook web site click on the "download a free ebook" box at the left of the page or follow this direct link. Don't forget to use the coupon code EOS6 when you get to the checkout page in order to get it for free.

If you have a Kindle, Amazon's Wireless Reading Device, check the Amazon site to see if this title is offered free later this week. Usually they feature the same titles as Harper/EOS has had free within a day or two. If you are thinking of getting a Kindle for the holidays and haven't placed your order yet, you'll want to get your order in soon. With the boost in awareness after being featured on the Oprah show last week, the Kindle is now SOLD OUT! Shipping estimates are now at 2 to 3 weeks, not quite as long a wait as when it was first released, but considering the increased production numbers reported elsewhere, this is estimated on some Kindle blogs to mean over 100,000 units were sold (although no true numbers are released for sales, leaks from the EInk displays screen hardware vendor have been used to estimate numbers for the Kindle and it's competitors). Although the discount is now over, you can still get in your order now and get it before Christmans.