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Friday, October 10, 2008

eBook Bailout expands!

The eBook Bailout has expanded to eReader.com, where all books are now yielding 50% Rewards (which go into a store credit account). No word on their site as to how long this will last, but suspect it is the same Nov. 12 deadline that is over at Fictionwise.

This site is now owned by Fictionwise, but offers books in only the eReader format, which can be read on your computer, iphone and several other mobile devices, but not on the Amazon Kindle (at least, not without some manipulation of the format and removal of the copy protection on the file). They also have a store credit program, although it is both separate from your Fictionwise MicroPay account and works in a different manner (their rebates are only on the portion of a book not paid by store credit, for example, but can be used on any book, not just those with lower rebate percentages).

If you've been wanting some books to read, but holding off due to the cost or have a lot less to spend due to the stock market slump, both of these sites will let you get more reading time for your dollar.