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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Penguin and Amazon Reach Agreement - Books to Follow

An official Amazon Customer Service rep has announced that Amazon and Penguin have reached an agreement on ebook sales. The message is buried in one of the myriad of threads complaining about the lack of newer Penguin titles in the Amazon store.

I'm already seeing signs of the logjam of titles clearing: you can now pre-order Bullet ($14.82), by Laurell K. Hamilton (although if you hurry, you can still get the Hardcover for $9.99, where it was marked down during the standoff). Interestingly enough, this title (and a couple of others from the Penguin imprint Berkley) isn't sold by the publisher, but by Amazon; it looks like the new agreement is NOT an Agency agreement at all, but the traditional retailer agreement that Random House and a few others have stuck with. I don't see any Roc or Ace titles yet, but the ones from Berkley are only starting to show availability in the states and not all of those (I suspect they have to be manually updated, one at a time).

Book Description
The music came back up and the next group of little girls, slightly older, came out. There was a lot of that in the next hour and change. I liked dance, and it was no reflection on the kids, but my will to live began to seep away on about the fifth group of sequined children...

Anita Blake is back in St. Louis and trying to live a normal life-as normal as possible for someone who is a legal vampire executioner and a U. S. Marshal. There are lovers, friends and their children, school programs to attend. In the midst of all the ordinary happiness a vampire from Anita's past reaches out. She was supposed to be dead, killed in an explosion, but the Mother of All Darkness is the first vampire, their dark creator. It's hard to kill a god. This dark goddess has reached out to her here-in St. Louis, home of everyone Anita loves most. The Mother of All Darkness has decided she has to act now or never, to control Anita, and all the vampires in America.

The Mother of All Darkness believes that the triumvirate created by master vampire Jean-Claude with Anita and the werewolf Richard Zeeman has enough power for her to regain a body and to immigrate to the New World. But the body she wants to possess is already taken. Anita is about to learn a whole new meaning to sharing her body, one that has nothing to do with the bedroom. And if the Mother of All Darkness can't succeed in taking over Anita's body for herself, she means to see that no one else has the use of it, ever again. Even Belle Morte, not always a friend to Anita, has sent word: "Run if you can..."

Update (12:42PM): Looks like all the Berkley titles that had shown up earlier today as available to order are now back to being unavailable in the US. Including Bullet, above. A lot more books are showing up in the Kindle store; however, they are unavailable to US customers (including several that were available earlier today). Here are a few of the imprints that are starting to show up:

And there are others.... Looking thru the lists, there are several books that I want to order (and several where I am tempted to get the Hardcover instead, since they are down to $9.99).

Hugo Awards Packet

This year, the Hugo Awards are doing things a little differently. Rather than a physical packet of reading material, they are releasing the entire list electronically to members, including supporting members who are not able to attend the conference in Australia. What that means is that for $50US or $70AUD, you can get copies of six novels, six novellas, six novelettes, five short stories, four graphic stories (plus a couple to read online only), and a number of related works, fanzines and other writing excerpts in various categories, all of which were considered to be prize-worthy examples by the awards committee. I found a password on one PDF (and, yes, most of the packet is in PDF form, although there are a few with multiple formats and I saw at least one PRC/Mobi file on a quick look-thru), so that one will be a PC only read, rather than moving to my Kindle and there are a few that include links to online only reads (a few graphic/comics sites are online only publications, for example), but otherwise they should work well on an ereader.

If you don't want to join, a number of the short stories, novelettes, novellas and graphic stories are available online to read, for the duration of the voting period (yes, you are expected to vote, but there is little to stop you from skipping this part), which ends 31 July 2010 23:59 PDT. You can sign up online, HERE, but you will have a decision to make: let them process the charges in Australian dollars, which will mean possibly paying a small exchange fee to your bank or credit card company, and a total based on the current exchange rate (when I checked, it worked out to around $65US; PayPal tells you how much before you complete the transaction), OR you can use their manual registration and payment option via PayPal and pay a flat $50US (directions are on the registration page). If a bargain price is your main consideration, the latter is the way to go. However, you'll want to add to your PayPal message that you wish to get all your material via email, or they will send you everything via snail mail - adding at least a week to get anything, here in the States. In addition, rather than the automated system set up to issue registration info (which you need to download the books), your registration is handled manually, by a group of volunteers; even with several emails to them to check on status, mine took three weeks to complete and get my password via email. With only two months left in the voting period, that would not leave much time to read the entries if I chose that method today.

I'm listing below the complete packet contents, with links to the freely available items (many are only online until voting ends). I've included Kindle or Amazon book links to the novels (along with prices), so you can check out reviews or a few samples before deciding if you want to participate.

The 2010 Hugo and John W. Campbell Award Nominees

864 Total Ballots Cast

BEST NOVEL (699 nominating ballots)

Boneshaker ($9.99) by Cherie Priest (Tor)
The City & The City ($9.99) by China MiƩville (Del Rey; Macmillan UK)
Julian Comstock: A Story of 22nd-Century America ($8.99) by Robert Charles Wilson (Tor)
Palimpsest ($9.99) by Catherynne M. Valente (Bantam Spectra)
WWW: Wake ($6.29) by Robert J. Sawyer (Ace; Penguin; Gollancz; Analog)
The Windup Girl ($10.17 paperback) by Paolo Bacigalupi (Night Shade)

BEST NOVELLA (375 nominating ballots)

Act One ($4.99) by Nancy Kress (Asimov's 3/09) - Free Download (PDF)
The God Engines ($13.60 paperback) by John Scalzi (Subterranean)
"Palimpsest" by Charles Stross (Wireless ($10.79); Ace; Orbit) - Read Online
Shambling Towards Hiroshima ($10.17 paperback) by James Morrow (Tachyon)
"Vishnu at the Cat Circus" by Ian McDonald (Cyberabad Days ($9.59); Pyr; Gollancz)
The Women of Nell Gwynne's (hardcover) by Kage Baker (Subterranean)

BEST NOVELETTE (402 nominating ballots)

"Eros, Philia, Agape" by Rachel Swirsky (Tor.com 3/09) - Read Online
"The Island" by Peter Watts (The New Space Opera 2; Eos) - Read Online
"It Takes Two" by Nicola Griffith (Eclipse Three; Night Shade Books) - Free Download (PDF) or Audio
"One of Our Bastards is Missing" by Paul Cornell (The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction: Volume Three; Solaris) - Free Download (PDF)
"Overtime" by Charles Stross (Tor.com 12/09) - Read Online
"Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast" by Eugie Foster (Interzone 2/09) - Read Online

BEST SHORT STORY (432 nominating ballots)

"The Bride of Frankenstein" by Mike Resnick (Asimov's 12/09) - Free Download (PDF)
"Bridesicle" by Will McIntosh (Asimov’s 1/09) - Free Download (PDF)
"The Moment" by Lawrence M. Schoen (Footprints; Hadley Rille Books) - Read Online
"Non-Zero Probabilities" by N.K. Jemisin (Clarkesworld 9/09) - Read Online
"Spar" by Kij Johnson (Clarkesworld 10/09) - Read Online

BEST RELATED WORK (259 nominating ballots)

Canary Fever: Reviews ($30.40 paperback)by John Clute (Beccon)
Hope-In-The-Mist: The Extraordinary Career & Mysterious Life of Hope Mirrlees by Michael Swanwick (password protected; Temporary Culture)
The Inter-Galactic Playground: A Critical Study of Children's and Teens' Science Fiction (Critical Explorations in Science Fiction and Fantasy) ($45.00 paperback) by Farah Mendlesohn (McFarland)
On Joanna Russ ($29.95 paperback) edited by Farah Mendlesohn (Wesleyan)
The Secret Feminist Cabal: A Cultural History of Science Fiction Feminisms ($14.82 paperback) by Helen Merrick (Aqueduct)
This is Me, Jack Vance! (Or, More Properly, This is "I") ($29.20 paperback) by Jack Vance (Subterranean)

BEST GRAPHIC STORY (221 nominating ballots)

Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? ($16.49 Deluxe Edition, Hardcover)Written by Neil Gaiman; Pencilled by Andy Kubert; Inked by Scott Williams (DC Comics)
Captain Britain And MI13 Volume 3: Vampire State ($14.99 paperback) Written by Paul Cornell; Pencilled by Leonard Kirk with Mike Collins, Adrian Alphona and Ardian Syaf (Marvel Comics) - Read Issues #10 and #11 Online
Fables Vol. 12: The Dark Ages ($12.23 paperback) Written by Bill Willingham; Pencilled by Mark Buckingham; Art by Peter Gross & Andrew Pepoy, Michael Allred, David Hahn; Colour by Lee Loughridge & Laura Allred; Letters by Todd Klein (Vertigo Comics)
Girl Genius Volume 9: Agatha Heterodyne and The Heirs of the Storm ($15.61 paperback) Written by Kaja and Phil Foglio; Art by Phil Foglio; Colours by Cheyenne Wright (Airship Entertainment) - Read Online
Schlock Mercenary : The Longshoreman of the Apocalypse Written and Illustrated by Howard Tayler - Read Online


Avatar Screenplay and Directed by James Cameron (Twentieth Century Fox)
District 9 Screenplay by Neill Blomkamp & Terri Tatchell; Directed by Neill Blomkamp (TriStar Pictures)
Moon Screenplay by Nathan Parker; Story by Duncan Jones; Directed by Duncan Jones (Liberty Films)
Star Trek Screenplay by Robert Orci & Alex Kurtzman; Directed by J.J. Abrams (Paramount)
Up Screenplay by Bob Peterson & Pete Docter; Story by Bob Peterson, Pete Docter, & Thomas McCarthy; Directed by Bob Peterson & Pete Docter (Disney/Pixar)


Doctor Who: "The Next Doctor" Written by Russell T Davies; Directed by Andy Goddard (BBC Wales)
Doctor Who: "Planet of the Dead" Written by Russell T Davies & Gareth Roberts; Directed by James Strong (BBC Wales)
Doctor Who: "The Waters of Mars" Written by Russell T Davies & Phil Ford; Directed by Graeme Harper (BBC Wales)
Dollhouse: "Epitaph 1" Story by Joss Whedon; Written by Maurissa Tancharoen & Jed Whedon; Directed by David Solomon (Mutant Enemy)
FlashForward: "No More Good Days" Written by Brannon Braga & David S. Goyer; Directed by David S. Goyer; based on the novel by Robert J. Sawyer (ABC)

BEST EDITOR, LONG FORM (289 nominating ballots)

Lou Anders
Ginjer Buchanan
Liz Gorinsky
Patrick Nielsen Hayden
Juliet Ulman

BEST EDITOR, SHORT FORM (419 nominating ballots)

Ellen Datlow
Stanley Schmidt
Jonathan Strahan
Gordon Van Gelder
Sheila Williams

BEST PROFESSIONAL ARTIST (327 nominating ballots)

Bob Eggleton
Stephan Martiniere
John Picacio
Daniel Dos Santos
Shaun Tan

BEST SEMIPROZINE (377 nominating ballots)

Ansible edited by David Langford
Clarkesworld edited by Neil Clarke, Sean Wallace, & Cheryl Morgan
Interzone edited by Andy Cox
Locus edited by Charles N. Brown, Kirsten Gong-Wong, & Liza Groen Trombi
Weird Tales edited by Ann VanderMeer & Stephen H. Segal

BEST FAN WRITER (319 nominating ballots)

Claire Brialey
Christopher J Garcia
James Nicoll
Lloyd Penney
Frederik Pohl

BEST FANZINE (298 nominating ballots)

Argentus edited by Steven H Silver
Banana Wings edited by Claire Brialey and Mark Plummer
CHALLENGER edited by Guy H. Lillian III
Drink Tank edited by Christopher J Garcia, with guest editor James Bacon
File 770 edited by Mike Glyer
StarShipSofa edited by Tony C. Smith

BEST FAN ARTIST (199 nominating ballots)

Brad W. Foster
Dave Howell
Sue Mason
Steve Stiles
Taral Wayne


Saladin Ahmed
Gail Carriger
Felix Gilman *
Seanan McGuire
Lezli Robyn *
* Second year of eligibility

Free Book (nook) - The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker

The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker ($6.99$2.99), by Leanna Renee Hieber, is free in the Barnes and Noble store (and discounted in the Kindle store). This is the first in her Strangely Beautiful series, was first published last year and recently was picked up on option for a musical production

Book Description
What fortune awaited sweet, timid Percy Parker at Athens Academy? Considering how few of Queen Victoria’s Londoners knew of it, the great Romanesque fortress was dreadfully imposing, and little could Percy guess what lay inside. She had never met the powerful and mysterious Professor Alexi Rychman, knew nothing of the growing shadow, the Ripper and other supernatural terrors against which his coterie stood guard. She knew simply that she was different, haunted, with her snow-white hair, pearlescent skin and uncanny gifts. But this arched stone doorway offered a portal to a new life, an education far from the convent—and an invitation to an intimate yet dangerous dance at the threshold of life and death…

Click HERE for the free download.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Free Mini-Games at Amazon

Many (if not most) of the games available as Game Downloads at Amazon include a free trial mode - you download the entire game and can play for a limited time (usually 30 minutes) before you must purchase the game in order to continue. A few of their games lack this feature, requiring you to pay up front (which means, for me, I skip their games entirely, as I've had too many games not work well on my computers, in the past). Now, they have a new type of sample, a Free Demo version, for a very limited number of titles (including one that ONLY has a Free Demo version available, with no Standard version to purchase).

From what I can tell, these demo versions have an unlimited time for play (but not all are compatible with 64-bit Windows 7), albeit with a limited scope: for example, one includes only seven levels, but still includes an online multiplayer mode. Another difference between these games and the ones with free trials: the downloads are very large in size, ranging from one to two GB in size (and take 1/2 hour to a full hour to download, using broadband). For each of the Free Demos, I've also included the price and link for the full game, in case you end up addicted and want more. In either case, the demo is yours to keep and continue playing, unlike the trial versions that self-destruct after a set period of time.

Mount & Blade: Warband ($29.99 Standard version)

Game Description
Mount & Blade: Warband is the eagerly anticipated standalone expansion to the original PC role-playing game (RPG), Mount & Blade. Revolving around true-to-life medieval combat, action in Warband utilizes realistic mounted combat and era specific weapons and armor, not magic. It also features a detailed fighting system, user generated content and mods, the ability to command units in single player and multiplayer, up to 64-player support online and multiple online multiplayer modes.
  • Fully playable demo up to level 7
  • Multiplayer battles with up to 64 players. Multiplayer modes include Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Conquest, Battle, and Siege.
  • New models with greater detail and high-quality textures.
  • A campaign allowing you to become the ruler of a faction and convince lords to become your vassals.
In a land torn asunder by incessant warfare, it is time to assemble your own band of hardened warriors and enter the fray. Lead your men into battle, expand your realm, and claim the ultimate prize: the throne of Calradia!

AIM 2 ($19.99 Standard version)

Game Description
A.I.M. 2 is the sequel to the epic science fiction first-person action RPG developed by SkyRiver Studios. Its compelling story and unique look lift off exactly where the original ended.

Changes in the control system have led to new opportunities for the inhabitants of the Polygon planet. Mechminds, advanced robots, opened new sectors and have started exploring them. With the course of time Mechminds and their culture have altered greatly with some old clans fading away as new ones evolved.

New clans led by Mechminds of the Fifth Generation are powerful and well-organized formations with far-reaching plans. Powerful groups have different interests that often crossed, war broke out again. However this time it is the struggle not for mere control, this is struggle for survival. The clans want to eliminate the weaker ones standing in their way and will stop at nothing to dominate their enemies. To achieve their goals they use not only military means, but economic ones as well. As of now none of the clans has managed to achieve complete victory.

You are a part of the oldest clan called the Reckoners, a dedicated group looking for the firstborn Mechmind of the Fifth Generation. This could be a chance to restore former might for your clan which has lost its power and even be victorious in the war.

Cryostasis ($12.99 Standard version)

Game Description
The Arctic Circle, Russian North Pole station ‘Pole 21’, 1968 - Alexander Nesterov is a meteorologist sent to investigate the final hours of the North Wind, an old nuclear ice-breaker trapped in an icy grave. This steel beast once fought for its country, but during a dangerous mission it drifted into an ice trap slowly freezing to death every living thing on board.

Alex must fight against the intense cold by finding any remaining heat sources as he investigates the final days of the North Wind and unlocks the mysteries within. However, Alex is no ordinary meteorologist as he possesses a unique ‘Mental Echo’ ability that allows him to relive the final memories of the dead and change their actions in the past, changing their future. Nothing can prepare Alex for the truth he uncovers as he digs deeper into the history of the ship.

Cryostasis takes players on a terrifying trip into the unknown as they explore the dark, frozen, claustrophobic corridors and unlock the shocking secrets of the North Wind.

Achtung Panzer Kharkov 1943 ($19.99 Standard version)

Game Description
Want to step into the role of a commander in the very heart of Kharkov's defense? You'll have everything the officers had back then: tanks, guns, and fearless soldiers. The success of each opposing force hangs in the balance every day. Your decisions will determine who wins the Battle of Kharkov.
  • High replayability and flexible AI: "smart" AI analyzes the players' tactical movements and chooses the best strategy based on behavior rather than a script. Scenarios can be replayed using different tactics, as though playing against a human opponent.
  • Painstaking reconstruction of Kharko in scope and size.
  • Detailed recreation of weapons, artillery, and vehicles: all battle characteristics, including missile trajectories and crew numbers, have been modelled according to archived military records and WW2 chronicles.
  • Dynamic day, night and weather effects, all of which affect combat through terrain traversability, battlefield visibility, hidden force capabilities, and more.
  • Destructible environment: nearly everything can be blasted and destroyed, from ground terrain to houses and enemy defenses. All traces of previous battles (shell holes, broken vehicles, corpses, etc.) remain on the battlefield.
East India Company Collection ($29.99 Standard version)

Game Description
In East India Company, you assume the role of Governor Director and seek to ship precious cargo to Europe in order to amass vast wealth. Build your fleets, establish connections to distant countries and dominate the other rival empires.
  • East India Company: Spectacularly cinematic and epic naval battles, Two Command Modes: Give orders to all your ships in Real-Time Strategy Mode or take the helm of a single ship in Direct Command Mode; Choose from over 10 realistic ship types, from small sloops and cutters to warships and East Indiamen; Take over ports and protect your shipping routes to create the largest trading empire.
  • East India Company: Pirate Bay: Play as a pirate captain; Attack trade ships to loot their cargo or commandeer whole ships; Add more and larger ships to your fleet; Choose new skills for your captain as he levels up; Hoard as much money as you can in 30 years time; Upload your campaign result to your gamer profile and compete for the title of the best pirate ever.
  • East India Company: Privateer: Two Privateer campaigns set in different time periods; Two new multi-player modes: Breakthrough and Beehive; New goal-oriented gameplay with several new mission types: locate and either sink or capture enemy ships, blockade enemy ports, or escort friendly fleets, New commander skills to fit the life of a privateer, such as "False Colors", which allows the player to get close, enough to ambush the victim, and "Critical Hit", which gives the player a chance to hit an enemy ship's magazine, causing the vessel to explode; New specialists, such as the surgeon, cook, constable, and marine officer, who can be used to boost the abilities of your fleets.
  • East India Company: Battle of Trafalgar: A re-enactment of the Battle of Trafalgar from both the British and Franco-Spanish perspective; Historically accurate ships from all three Navies; Five real-life naval commanders from the era, including Admiral Lord Nelson, French Admiral Pierre Villeneuve and Spanish Admiral Federico Gravina, Take control of naval battle groups comprising of the greatest warships of the Napoleonic era; Real-world naval strategy of the era accurately recreated in the battle AI
  • East India Company Collection bounds together this trade oriented strategy game and its add-ons. This is the definitive collection of 17th century trade and naval battles!
UFO Aftermath ($6.99 Standard version)

Game Description
Combining a global strategy with small squad tactical combat, the challenge offered is to fight against an alien invasion. Featuring run time generated tactical missions with innovative simultaneous combat action; the genre is also enhanced with strong RPG elements, offering a quite unique mix of strategic ideas.
  • RPG - Your soldiers will improve as they gain more experience. Their skills are derived from these statistics, and each point that you put into any one of these attributes will have a noticeable effect on that soldier's skills. These attributes are: Strength, Agility, Dexterity, Willpower, Intelligence, and Perception
  • Strategy - You must manage your bases, interceptions, and squads. Territory is equal to power in the game - the more you control, the better your interceptor coverage. Also, the faster you research, the better things could be.
  • Tactics - Fighting on the ground against aliens and mutants for the control of territories. Once you control a territory, you can decide what type of base you want there: Research, Military, Manufacture or Biomass repulsion.
  • Combat - Unique combat system features all of the best elements of both turn-based and real-time combat systems. You give orders while the game is paused to avoid the frantic rush of a real time system. While in pause you can give your troops very detailed orders taking as much time as you like. Once you are finished you simply start the game and continue playing. Once the game is underway you can pause the game at any point to update or change your orders and the game will automatically pause when important events occur, so that you may modify your plans accordingly. This combat is combining the finely grained tactics of a turn-based game with the realism of a real time system.
  • Randomly generated tactical missions - each playing field will be unique meaning no two games are the same.
Europa Universalis Rome Gold ($19.99 Standard version; $5.99 PC Edition)

Game Description
Europa Universalis Rome Gold combines the epic strategy title Europa Universalis Rome with the expansion pack Vae Victis. Experience one of the most defining periods in world history in this game with great strategic and tactical depth.
  • Europa Universalis Rome: Start at any date between 280 B.C. and 27 B.C.; choose between 10 different cultures, including the Roman, Celtic, Greek and Egyptian civilizations, with more than 53 playable factions on a map spanning hundreds of provinces; Watch your characters develop new traits through political intrigue and various interactions with thousands of other characters; Robust multiplayer allows you to challenge up to 32 players either competitively or in coop mode.
  • Europa Universalis Vae Victis: Completely revised military AI, particularly in the area of military campaigns; Dynamics of the characters that live in the Republic will come to life as the men & women have their own personal goals and agendas; As a republic you will now need to take the Senate into the account. Characters will belong to various parties depending on their goals, values, and ambitions.
  • Fully 3D map with integrated graphics and detailed topography
  • Monarchies & Tribes will have their own courts, beware of bootlickers & sycophants who will stop at nothing to replace your divinely appointed ruler
  • Europa Universalis is Paradox Interactive's historical franchise with close to 1 million units sold worldwide. The franchise includes titles like Europa Universalis I - III and expansions such as Napoleon's Ambition
Rise of Prussia (Demo only)

Game Description
Rise of Prussia is the latest release from AGEOD, and is a follow-up to their successful historical strategy games Birth of America, American Civil War, Napoleon's Campaigns, and Wars in America. Rise of Prussia covers the European campaigns of the Seven Years’ War (1756-1763).
  • Over 100 new leaders with individual portraits, and 300 units.
  • 10 Scenarios: 1 Battle Scenario Saxony 1756 to enter the game; 6 Annual Campaigns Scenarios, for each year between 1757 and 1763; 1 Grand Campaign Scenario 1756-1763; 2 Tutorial Scenarios.
  • Map covering all of Germany and surrounding vicinity, with over 1,000 different regions offering plenty of room for manoeuvering.
  • New events and a wide set of options for you to customize your strategy.
  • Streamlined command system based on the hierarchy system seen in American Civil War and Napoleon’s Campaigns, allowing for historical army command, organization, and structure.

Free Book (nook) - Storm Front

Storm Front ($6.29 Kindle), by Jim Butcher, the first book in the excellent series The Dresden Files, is available free this week using a coupon you pick up in a physical Barnes and Noble store. Last week, I didn't even have to show a device to get the free coupon, but be sure to stop by early, as some people who stopped by on Sunday were reporting that their stores had run out (luckily, a few were at least able to get an early coupon for this week, so it wasn't a wasted trip).

Once you have your coupon, log onto bn.com/redeem and enter the coupon code to add the book to your account. I don't know how you'll do this with a nook (and didn't try with my Kindle, as the book doesn't work there, anyway), but on the iPhone, I used the free internet service and Safari to enter the code, then opened the B&N reader and started reading the book within about a minute or so.

Book Description
Harry Dresden--Wizard
Lost items found. Paranormal investigations.
Consulting. Advice. Reasonable rates.
No Love Potions, Endless Purses, Parties, or Other Entertainment.

Harry Dresden is the best at what he does. Well, technically, he's the only at what he does. So when the Chicago P.D. has a case that transcends mortal creativity or capability, they come to him for answers. For the "everyday" world is actually full of strange and magical things--and most of them don't play too well with humans. That's where Harry comes in. Takes a wizard to catch a--well, whatever.

There's just one problem. Business, to put it mildly, stinks. So when the police bring him in to consult on a grisly double murder committed with black magic, Harry's seeing dollar signs. But where there's magic, there's a black mage behind it. And now that mage knows Harry's name. And that's when things start to get... interesting.

Magic. It can get a guy killed.