Shadow Behind The Sun (
£0.99 UK), an auto-biography by Remzije Sherifi, is the Kindle Deal of the day for those in the UK (the
US edition is $11.99).
Book Description
REMZIJE SHERIFI worked as a journalist with Radio Gjilan in Kosova. She lost her job, and almost her life, as the Milosevic regime steadily tightened its grip on the Albanian people who lived there. In SHADOW BEHIND THE SUN she recounts her family's history to shine a new light on the terrible events of the 1990s. Now a British citizen, she has made her commitment to Asylum Seekers and other refugees, working with the Maryhill Integration Network in Glasgow. The shadow of past events stands behind the sunrise of every new constitutional or social development. Can they be forgotten? Should they? There has never been so much displacement in the world as at the present time. Beside the history of the Kosovar people she describes the plight of Asylum Seekers in the here and now. Remzije Sherifi is a compassionate and visionary presence in difficult and changing times.
Skeem Life: Growing Up in the Seventies (
£1.09 UK), by Gary Robertson, is the second Kindle Deal of the day for those in the UK (the
US edition is $9.99).
Book Description
When young Gary Robertson moved from the old tenements to an almost brand new housing scheme in the early 1970s, it was the start of a very big adventure. In the skeems, you could roam from morning to night and get up to all sorts – provided you obeyed the rules of the street (and your parents if they saw you). As a training ground for life it was second to none but there was plenty to learn. There was money to be made on the lemonade bottles and the berries each summer – provided you knew the tricks of the trade. There were games to be played, from Backie Hopping to Scubby Queen, gangs to be avoided and football, music and lassies to get to grips with – or not – at the Clubbie. Irreverent and funny, Skeem Life is set against a backdrop of the tough housing schemes of 1970s Dundee. It was Britain in the time of the three-day week and the OPEC oil crisis but it was a journey full of excitement, adventure and youthful dreams.