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Friday, March 29, 2013

Housekeeping and more on GoodReads Acquisition

First, for those who are getting updates by email, I've changed the publication time to every four hours. This may result in two-three emails a day, but I was seeing price changes by the afternoon and those on email were missing out on notices. Also, any late posts (like this one) were being held until the next day. If you don't like getting multiple emails a day, you'll find a (very tiny print) link at the bottom of the email that says "preferences". Click there and you can set how often you want to receive emails.

I've also been playing with Squidoo, to see if I could still post a notice of free Kindle books there. I don't know if it will last, but I have a "lens" (page) up there for you to try out (and a couple of books to get, of course).

Over on LibraryThing, read their take on the Amazon/Goodreads acquisition (quick take: it's a good thing ... for LibraryThing!).

Hope everyone has a great weekend.