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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Free Book Roundup

Starting off, JA Konrath appears to have lost his mind and has a HUGE number of titles for free today, including several boxed sets of horror/thrillers. It's all part of another Kindle Fire Givewaway, co-sponsored with several other authors. Even if you don't want to enter their contest (and hey!, one of my readers won in the last one), you can pick up enough free books, below, to keep you reading all year. If you do decide to enter, they are giving away 10 Kindle Fires, 75 ebooks, $300 in gift cards, and a $500 library donation.

First, the free books from the Kindle Fire contest (note that there is some overlap on these lists, when there are co-authors on a title):
The rest of today's backlist/small press/indie free books on Kindle (not likely to be free for long; double check prices before one-clicking).