Update: 2/13/12 Now free in the US Kindle store and from Barnes & Noble.
The New Players in Life Science Innovation: Best Practices in R&D from Around the World (US/
UK), by Tomasz Mroczkowski, is free for UK customers in the Kindle store. It should be free for US Kindle customers by morning.
Book Description
The global center of gravity in life sciences innovation is rapidly shifting to emerging economies. In The New Players in Life Science Innovation, Tomasz Mroczkowski explains how China and other new economic powers are rapidly gaining leadership positions, and thoroughly assesses the implications. Mroczkowski discusses the sophisticated innovation strategies and reforms these nations have implemented: approaches that don't rely on market forces alone, and are achieving remarkable success. Next, he previews the emerging global "bio-economy," in which life science discoveries will be applied pervasively in markets ranging from health to fuels. As R&D in the West becomes increasingly costly, Mroczkowski introduces new options for partnering with new players in the field. He thoroughly covers the globalization of clinical trials, showing how it offers opportunities that go far beyond cost reduction, and assessing the unique challenges it presents. Offering examples from China to Dubai to India, he carefully assesses the business models driving today's newest centers of innovation. Readers will find up-to-date coverage of bioparks, technology zones, and emerging clusters, and realistic assessments of global R&D collaboration strategies such as those of Eli Lilly, Merck, Novartis, and IBM. With innovation-driven industries increasingly dominating the global economy, this book's insights are indispensable for every R&D decision-maker and investor.
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