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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Free Book - Blood Country (K/N/E)

Update: 1/17/12 Now free from Sony.
Update: 1/15/12 Now free in the US Kindle store.
Update: Also free from Barnes & Noble.

Blood Country (US/UK), the first title in the Claire Watkins series by Mary Logue, is free for UK Kindle customers. It should be free for US customers later in the morning (repeat).
Book Description
This first in a series launch introduces Claire Watkins, a deputy sheriff for the Pepin County Police Department. Claire, a former Minneapolis police detective, and her 10-year-old daughter Meg fled the Twin Cities after her husband, Steve, also a cop, was killed.

When Landers Anderson--an elderly neighbor who befriended Claire and Meg--dies of a heart attack after being sideswiped with a shovel, Claire determines to find the culprit. This involves delving into Landers's family history and investigating the machinations of a right-wing group, Homeowners of America, that is buying up property to build an environmentally unsound development.

At the same time, Meg fearfully admits to Claire that she saw the man who killed Steve. Claire contacts her former partner, Det. Bruce Jacobs, and prods him into accelerating the investigation into Steve's death.
Get the free ebook from Barnes & Noble.
Get the free ebook from Sony.