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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Free short Story (Kindle) - Tinseltown (UK)

Tinseltown (Main/UK), a short story by Victoria Fox, is free for UK customers in the Kindle store. I don't expect to see this one for US readers, as the publisher is UK only and I don't see a US edition at all for it.
Book Description
Fox is ‘giving Jackie Collins a run for her money’ – That’s Life ‘Victoria Fox…puts the bonk back into bonkbuster!’ – Lovereading “a heady mix of corruption, glamour, lust and power...get your scandal fix here!” – Closer on Hollywood Sinners Dom Judd is the hottest man in Hollywood. He'll do anything to get out of being a sexy Santa in Hollywood’s famous Tinseltown parade…but can he persuade his brother to take the reins? Waitress Clare has just been dumped. Playing Rudolph is hardly going to help her single status - until she sees how drop-dead gorgeous Father Christmas is! Laney Allen has shot to fame, but hates the limelight - and it seems only Santa can help her overcome her stage-fright... As the snow falls and sleigh bells ring, whose Tinseltown dreams will come true