Update: 12/20/11 Now free in the US Kindle store.
Abandon Changes (US/
UK), by John M. Cusick, is free to pre-order for UK customers in the Kindle store (it should be free for US customers in the Kindle store by morning). This short story is set in the same world as his debut novel
Girl Parts (US/
UK) and includes a sneak peek at the first few chapters.
Book Description
Rei’s a runner—fast, smart, doesn’t ask questions, and keeps her mouth shut about the errands she runs. She doesn’t know what’s in the packages she delivers and she doesn’t care. It’s simpler that way. But Rei’s soon-to-be-ex, Sam, has gotten under her skin, and she’s started thinking about the effects of her errands. Can Rei be close to someone and do her job—and can she make a choice before it’s too late?