These are the titles that you can pick up in the Amazon Appstore for $0.10:
comiXology is having a sale on DC Comics' Fell comics series. You use the free app, Comics, by comiXology, to view these comics, which are priced at 99 cents per volume. I don't see them at all on the Kindle or in the Amazon Appstore and in paperback they are either out of print or over $10 per volume. Once you pick up the app, they have several free comics you can try out, before committing to buying any -- but the sale on this series ends today, so act fast.
- Puffle Launch, by Disney
- Sentinel 3: Homeworld, by Origin8 Technologies Ltd.
- Hyper Jump, by Camel Games
- Color & Draw for kids: Phone Edition, by Tipitap (also works on tablets, but not the KFire)
- Star Chart, by Escapist Games Limited
- Camera ZOOM FX, by Androidslide, is not currently compatible with KFire and the Android version has numerous effects packs for free download that are not in the Amazon store. But, for 20 cents total, I just bought both - I get all the effects now on my tablet and hopefully the app will be updated at Amazon to work with the KFire later on.