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Monday, October 3, 2011

Free Book (Kindle/nook) - Let's Get Real

Update: Now free for US Kindle customers and from Barnes & Noble.

Let's Get Real: Bringing Authenticity and Wholeness to Your Marriage (US/UK), by Dale Forehand and Jena Forehand, is free for UK customers in the Kindle store (and should be free in the US in about a half hour), courtesy of Christian publisher Navpress.
Book Description
By studying seven essentials based on God's Word and His Son for a fulfilling marriage, you and your spouse will be inspired to make your marriage thrive. The Let's Get Real workbook outlines the same principles for revitalizing marriage that the Forehands teach at conferences across the country. Through practicing these principles, you’ll become empowered by God’s truth to be more authentic and intimate with one another.
Get the free ebook from Barnes & Noble.