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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Three Albums at 3 Bucks (and one free)

I've been trolling around the Amazon MP3 store today, trying to decide what to spend my $10 MP3 credit on and ran into three new (to me, anyway) albums at $2.99 each (all classical and produced by Cobra Entertainment):
I really love the cover on the last one of the group.

If I do get these three, that'll leave just enough to pick up Bob Marley's High Tide Or Low Tide: Save The Children's East Africa Fund [+Video], proceeds of which go to the named fund. You can also get the single, without the video, but since they are the same price, you might as well get the full album.

I also chanced up on this new, free album: Dancehall & Reggae Top Ten, from Tad's Record, who, I'll admit, I've never heard of, although I have heard of some of the artists on the album. It's a strange mix of Carribean and Reggae dance/club music, but it mostly works (and, hey, it's free!). The label guys apparently can't count either, as this top 10 album contains 12 songs....