Game Description
Each volume of NY Times Crosswords, comes with a unique bundle of world famous easy or challenging puzzles handpicked by The New York Times and edited by Will Shortz.
You can solve unassisted or get help using the 'reveal one letter' or 'reveal entire answer' functionality. You can even check your work for errors.
Enjoy the gold standard of crossword puzzles on your Kindle!
My Yoga Studio (
App Description
My Yoga Studio is like having a personal yoga teacher on your Kindle.
There are many benefits to practicing yoga. Done properly, yoga can help you increase your strength, flexibility, and balance. It can improve your posture as you become more aware of your body, and it can help you relax, even in the midst of a stressful environment.
My Yoga Studio will guide you step-by-step through a series of poses illustrated with a picture and a text description. As you move through the routine, a timer will count down, showing you how long to hold each pose before gently transitioning to the next. 25 different poses are included. You can use one of three included routines (Sun Salutation, Stress Melter, or Balance & Peace), do poses individually, or create your own custom routine. Exercises are designed to strengthen your core, and do not require any special equipment. As you can do these exercises anywhere you have floor space, My Yoga Studio is a perfect companion for frequent travelers or home use.
My Yoga Studio is ready to be your personal guide anytime you want to steal a few moments to center yourself.