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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New Kindle App - Password Manager

Password Manager ($4.99), by Mobigloo, is a new active content App in the Kindle store. Whether you are the type that uses only a couple of passwords (so you can remember them) or that uses many passwords, but write them down on sticky notes at your desk (then can't find the one you want), this app looks like just the thing to let you keep track of your accounts and passwords, while you only have to remember a single master password that only works on your physical Kindle. The only question I have is whether or not you can back up your password data, just in case your Kindle is broken (or stolen), so you can restore it to a new Kindle later on.

App Description
Password Manager stores your confidential data such as user names, passwords, and account numbers so you can have one convenient place to go when you need to look up that information.

Password Manager can store up to 500 items, and includes templates for credit cards, bank accounts, PIN codes, frequent flyer numbers, web site log-ins, memberships and more. You retrieve your stored account information using a single master password.

Password Manager offers a random password feature that generates strong passwords that you can use with your individual accounts, and a password strength indicator to help you create a strong master password. To help protect your data, your data is stored with AES encryption, and a security timeout feature will automatically log you off after 2 minutes of inactivity.