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Monday, January 24, 2011

New Kindle App - Easy Calculator

Easy Calculator ($0.99), by Mobigloo, is an active content App for your Kindle. Active content means that no internet or Wi-Fi access is required to run the App and it will run relatively quickly (within the limitations of e-Ink), but it is limited to the Kindle 2/DX (firmware 2.5+), Kindle DXG, Kindle 3, just as with the games that have been previously released.

App Description
Easy Calculator is a simple and easy to use calculator for your Kindle. Whether you are calculating your restaurant tip, adding your recent expenses or just checking your math, Easy Calculator will always be traveling with you.

Specifically designed for the Kindle, Easy Calculator features all the basic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, as well as percentage, square root, memory functions and more.

Our calculator is built around an innovative matching keyboard design which associates each key of the calculator with a key on the keyboard. This allows fast and easy keyboard input for all your calculations.

Easy Calculator is an essential tool for Kindle.