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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Free miniHUGlight!

My Light, makes of the HUGlight and miniHUGlight is giving one away to everyone that Likes them on Facebook (you'll need a Facebook account) and sends them an email (at least, until they run out), as a Back to School Giveaway (can it possibly be that time, already?).

Update: The deal is over and has come down from their facebook page!

Here are the instructions from their site:

Step 1: "Like Us" on Facebook

Step 2: Send us an email so we can verify that you "Like Us"
...Send your email to info@showertek.com. Put "Facebook miniHUGlight" in the subject line. And put your first and last name (or whatever you go by on facebook) along with your shipping address.

Step 3: We'll verify that you "Like Us" and send your miniHUGlight totally FREE OF CHARGE! That's right, shipping and handling is on us!