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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Milrose Munce - Kindle Update

I just heard from the author -- Milrose Munce and the Den of Professional Help is back to a penny in the Kindle store (which I confirmed). Just as that occured, though, he got a note from his publisher in Canada that they were trying to make the book entirely free. Which may mean that it'll become unavailable again for a period of time, as the pricing update works it's way thru the system. For now, though, if you missed it last time (and don't mind paying a penny extra), you can once again get this book on Kindle. It's entirely free in the Sony store and I picked up that version as well. But after fighting with my new Sony reader the last few days, I'll definitely never pick it over the Kindle (in fact, the Sony reader has been "syncing" under 100 books for the last few hours; I thought it was finished, once, but then it decided to do it again; I could have copied the books over myself in less than ten minutes, if I could have bypassed the Sony software).