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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

John Grisham EBooks Now Available!

Big news on the ebook front today, as John Grisham's are now available (legally) in electronic format. Here's the announcement from Amazon:
Long before his name became synonymous with the modern legal thriller, John Grisham was working 60-70 hours a week at a small Mississippi law practice, squeezing in time between the office and courtroom recesses to work on his hobby--writing his first novel. That hobby would quickly turn into a new full-time career. We're excited to announce that his international bestsellers including The Firm ($7.99), The Pelican Brief ($7.99), The Client ($7.99), and his latest collection of short stories, Ford County ($9.99), are now available on Kindle.
You can also find his books in the B&N and Sony stores.