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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Free Books (Smashwords) - Refuge of Delayed Souls

Miladysa has released the second volume of her Refuge of Delayed Souls series and is making it available for a limited time as a free download at Smashwords. For those who missed volume 1 when it was free, there is a new coupon for it as well.

Billy: Refuge of Delayed Souls II. Use coupon code WF76B QF33B (new coupon code, see comments below), valid thru February 27.

Book Description
Elizabeth Whyte's investigations into the past and the supernatural continue. A barguest wreaks havoc on the moors above the town and Billy Lawrence is introduced to the world of RoYds.

RoYds: Refuge of Delayed Souls. Use coupon code SX58C, valid until the end of February.

Book Description
In a story spanning many lifetimes, we follow Elizabeth Whyte's journey as she investigates the supernatural & seeks information about her own past, all while trying to keep a balance between the light & the darkness in her work for an agency known as the Refuge of Delayed Souls. A world where ghosts, angels, the Living & others exist side by side, although not always in harmony.