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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Free Audiobook - A Confederacy of Dunces

A Confederacy of Dunces, by John Kennedy Toole & narrated by Barrett Whitener, was free at Audible.com early last December, then went back to full price. They've dropped the price back to zero on this unabridged version that runs 13-1/2 hours and added "free version" to the title, so it looks like it should remain free (although I would not count on that - I always advise you grab a freebie when you see it, as it can change at any moment). I just started listening to this -- even though I have the book in a paper copy, I've never started on it due to the size (several inches thick).

Book Description
"A green hunting cap squeezed the top of the fleshy balloon of a head. The green earflaps, full of large ears and uncut hair and the fine bristles that grew in the ears themselves, stuck out on either side like turn signals indicating two directions at once."

So enters one of the most memorable characters in recent American fiction. The hero of John Kennedy Toole's incomparable, Pulitzer Prize-winning comic classic is one Ignatius J. Reilly, "huge, obese, fractious, fastidious, a latter-day Gargantua, a Don Quixote of the French Quarter". His story bursts with wholly original characters, denizens of New Orleans' lower depths, incredibly true-to-life dialogue, and the zaniest series of high and low comic adventures.