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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July Orbit Dollar Book: Hidden Empire

Hidden Empire, by Kevin J. Anderson, is the July Dollar Book from Orbit Books. Hidden Empires is the first volume in the The Saga of Seven Suns, with all seven books available on Kindle: the first six have the series name in the title, while the seventh, The Ashes of Worlds, is bit trickier to find, hiding amidst his 33 books and short stories in the Kindle Store.

Book Description
In our galaxy's far future, humans are one of three known intelligent races. We are the new kids on the block, having had star travel for only a few centuries. The other races consist of the Ildirans, ruled by their Mage-Imperator, and the Klikiss, which seem to have vanished, but left behind worlds full of artifacts and fabulous technology that humans are now beginning to find and exploit.

One such piece of technology is a device that can turn a useless gas supergiant planet into a small sun, thereby creating new living space for humans. But when the device is tried for the first time, it awakens the ire of a hitherto unsuspected fourth race, the Hydrogues-and a galaxy-spanning war that threatens all life.

Set against this background are multiple subplots involving a large cast of fascinating characters: a married couple whose archaeological discoveries can save humanity; a young man kidnapped to take over the kingship of the vast Trade Federation; travelling communities of gypsy-like Roamers, one of whom becomes humanity's champion against the Hydrogues; and many more.

This book should be available in most ebookstores at $1 or less for the month of July. I've included links to a few of the more popular stores - but check to see if they have lowered the price before buying - Fictionwise, for example, is well known for not updating any new books or sale prices until the following Monday, while BooksOnBoard may only have one format at the sale price and charge full price for all other formats.

Get this book at Amazon, BooksOnBoard (or HERE - the book is listed twice, with different formats), Fictionwise or Sony

As of this morning, Sony is the only one showing this book as available - but that should changer later today (and over the next week at places like Fictionwise).