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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth of July - Free Music!

Amazon has a special offer for today's holiday - a free download of any (one) version of The Star Spangled Banner and a free album, Documentary Recordings Presents- Patriotic Music - Amazon Sampler. In addition, today's $1.99 album is the Steve Miller Band's Living In The U.S.A..

If you haven't purchased any music from Amazon before, you'll probably want their MP3 loader software (free and buying anything walks you thru it) and to be aware that MP3's are a download once item. I always leave the confirmation page on screen until I see that the file downloaded correctly and is loaded into iTunes (these are DRM-free MP3's, so will work in iTunes or any MP3 player, including the Kindle - use the MP3 loader to open the download directory, the drag the files into the MUSIC folder on your Kindle). There is a link on the confirmation page to restart your download (as well as to view your order to make sure you weren't overcharged) and once you leave that page, you'll have to call customer service if you need to re-download an item. One interesting bit of info on the Kindle family - the speakers have greatly improved with each version, from a single speaker of the Kindle to dual speakers on the Kindle2 to a blasting volume achievable on the KindleDX (we tried out the same book on a K2 and the DX, going at the same time and the DX was so loud you could not tell the K2 was even reading aloud).

Have a safe 4th of July! I'm off to start a BBQ, swim and maybe see a few fireworks.